Smash My Nintendo Wii
The Plan
From the creators of SmashMyiPod, we bring you, Smash my Nintendo Wii!
We will be one of the first people to get our hands on the Nintendo Wii. After we do, we will destroy it in front of all the Nintendo fanboys waiting in line to get theirs, on the launch day. This is only a social experiment, for the entertainment of the donors, and visitors of this site. For more info, read the faq.

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Nov 20th 2006 - 8pm - Decided to do an update. Man, I got so much email! Most of it is positive, but all the hatemail seems to be coming from some sort of "hatemail generator" because I swear to god... its all identical. Poorly written, full of spelling mistakes, uses a lot of profanity, and many references of me going to hell, or sucking a penis. Keep them coming!
PS. If you like porn, check out my site!

Nov 19th 2006 - 12pm - Wii has been smashed! Video in a few hours!


Sept 17th 2006 - 3pm
- Wii will be released on Novermber 19th! The planning has been started!

June 7th 2006 - 3pm - I would like to announce that I enjoy cheese. That is all!

May 6th 2006 - 3pm
- We have raised the money for the first Nintendo Wii! Let the fundraising begin for the second one.

April 30th 2006 - 2am
- Well, it looks like Nintendo renamed the console from Revolution, to Wii. Im not sure what kind of crack they were smoking, but the name is pretty retarded. Anyhow, it looks like our new domain name is

March 2nd 2006 - 2am
- Sorry for lack of updates, have been busy. Revolution launch date is still being speculated, but its most likely to be somewhere around August. So lets get donating!

January 21st 2006 - 4pm
- Didn't have any updates for a while, so here ya go! Nintendo Revolution has been priced at $299 USD.

December 10th - 10pm
- Rumors hit the net that the Revolution will cost around $100-$150. Have no fear, keep donating, and we will simply smash more than one at the same time. Smashing 1 console is shocking... smashing 3 is 3 times as shocking! :P

November 11th 2005 - 2pm
- After receiving a lot of hatemail from Nintendo fanboys about the pricing of the console, we decided to adjust the target price accordingly. The target value has been dropped to $300 usd.

November 1st 2005 - 9pm
- Donations were off to a good start, but now they have significantly declined. Make Mario pay! Donate! News

October 15th 2005 - 5pm - Site forums are up, which can be accessed via the navigation bar, or by clicking here.

October 14h 2005 - 1am - Received another $25 in donations and some hatemail from a bunch of bible thumpers. Also, some fanboy decided to subscribe me to some Nintendo newsletters, its a shame they all require my confirmation.

October 13h 2005 - 12am - Received $30 in donations and a lot of hate mail. Once I get more, hate/fan mail pages will be created.

October 12th 2005 - 11am - Received 2 payments, as well as 1 piece of hate mail and fan mail! Im gonna quote the fan mail here, from a Nintendo fan. Very wise words!

You sir, are a legend.
Being a Nintendo fan myself I can't help but find this incredibly funny, as I know how so many many people are going to go nuts over this - seeing the looks on peoples faces will be more than enough for me - great idea for a site, I hope you reach those site targets!

Thats exactly how everyone should take this project!

October 9th 2005 - 6pm - After getting a really good response on the site, I decided why not do it with latest game consoles, in front of hundreds of fanboys? We are going to be doing this with each of the next-gen consoles that are coming out in these next few months!

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Nintendo Wii
Remaining: NONE
Goal: $340
Free Dating
Funny Videos
Boredom Forums
Ben Lovatt - $5
Gavin Douglas - $5
Kamalot - $25
Oscar Guzman - $5
Mandi Coneyworth - $10
Kenneth Aldinger - $15
Gower Ludwig - $3
Scott Zhang - $20
Matthew Michal - $10
Eric Uratchko - $5
Mandi - $20
Sam Molyneux - $3
Jason Gallagher - $3 - $10
Joseph Haynes - $5
Julie Harris - $10
Will Felber - $5
Jonas Brinck - $3
Chris Besse - $10
Sean Muron - $20
Adam Everett - $10
Jacob Ball - $20
Renaud Lepage - $5
James Espinoza - $5
Sparky Sparky - $3
David Cardona - $7
Mike Smith - $5
Rachel Converse - $10
Joe Veroni - $5
Robert Oberlies - $11
Stu Ferguson - $4
Susan Kim - $5
Marc Naseth - $5
Dylan Gaspick - $6
Andreas Iversen - $3
Celso Freire - $5 - $6
Carl Wagner - $49

Total: $340